just. one. thing.

for healthier teams.

jot helps people and teams build resilience, manage stress and create balance.

Is your team burned-out? Looking for new methods to engage? Have WAY too much on your desk to find the solution?

Many HR departments are struggling with the complexities of demands that are a part of today’s workplace.

We know this because we’ve worked intimately with HR teams for over to 15-years and understand that today’s challenges are different.

It’s why we created jot living. We want to work in partnership with you to save you time and increase the engagement and energy of your team.

We offer programs that combine workshops, group coaching and mindful moments, mapped onto your goals and priorities.

It’s time to try something different. Let’s connect. Reach out today to find our more about jot living and our programs.

Programs include:

We build:

Monthly, Quarterly, Annually

Who we’ve worked with

Your expert in health and well-being.